

Assalamualaikum and hi all, May we all in a good state Insya Allah, So, how long do I shut this blog down? I also can't remember. And can I make a comeback here? Maybe... because I miss writing. First of all, pardon me for my bad grammar and all the mistakes in my writing. It's been too long mehhh hehehehe... And yeah, it's 2020 ! Alhamdulillah Ya Rabb, You still give us chance living our life until today. Basically, it's 5th March 2020 when I write this entry. And I feel like to write just to, you know, pour out something from your heart? They said, we need to have an in-and-out in our life so that its always in balance. And I guess I want to pour out here so it still remain but it'll not being attached to me. And here we goes... So, year of 2016 until 2019 was when I'm in university life. At first, I want to keep writing in here but you see, I didn't. (Sorry me because I couldn't complete my bucket-list). The days, weeks, months and years in u

Thank You Allah

Woah ! Back here again for a very long time Just have to write this because I don't want to lose all the sweet little things that happen in my life. I'm so grateful for all the nikmat that Allah had given to me. Family as my backbone, friends that helping me learn a true relationship-of-friendship, things that I can buy, life as a student, people that TouchnGo and most importantly a peaceful way to live with Allah in our heart. I'm just grateful of everything that happen in 20 years of me, Alhamdulillah. Today I learned that, everything happens for a reason. Coincidence meet up with an old friends makes me more appreciate people who have been there for me (well, at least it's for a little thing). A friend who you trust and you can share a "salted caramel" things is a friend you should keep. Even though  you're not keeping in touch with them or you guys are not a BFF, try not to forget them at the very least. It's a warm and cozy day for me.

Uni era begin

Hey there fellas. I think I need to keep my brain active by writing start from now. Fyi, I am officially one of a university students since last weeks. And I continue my studies at University Pendidikan Sultan Idris, Tanjung Malim. Yes, a teacher to be. But you know what, everybody is a teacher. Mengajar walaupun satu perkataan pun we called a teacher too rite? (akak abang fasi kat sini selalu cakap camtu , i think, ada benarnya jugak) I can’t believe and still do not believe what did I take for my courses. Yaww, arabic language is seriously hard, why did choose this mehhh. By hooked or by crooked, I shall not repeat even one semester. I am very super anxious for this. Not ready yet. Tapi masa tetap berlalu. Hari first class pun dah dapat assingment. Well, we couldn’t say anything because we realised, we are in university now. Hello dyla, you dah nak masuk 20. Sedar sikit okay.  First week, you could tell how busy my life is. With packed orientation schedule fo

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Assalamualaikum there.  Hey it has been a long time I didn’t write here. And my head cramp ouch its hurt because dah lama sangat tak menulis. Grammar tunggang terbalik mintak ampun ye.  First of all, ramadhan kareem for all muslims in the world. Semoga ramadhan kali ini lebih baik daripada tahun-tahun sebelumnya. So today is the first day of fasting, how was it? Ngeh... I’m having stomachache hahahaha so funneyh !  Second, I can’t wait for my degree intake this september. Its have been 6 months I’m at home and had to wait for another 3 months roughly for continue my study. But Alhamdulillah, I’ve spent two weeks at the Two Holy Mosque in the world; Masjid Nabawi, Madinah and Masjidil Haram, Mekah. Green Dome, Makam Rasulullah (Peace Be Upon Him), Masjid Nabawi, Madinah. Where all the peace took place. The place that shine so bright. Kaabah, Masjidil Haram, Mekah. The place you wouldn't want to leave. I’m grateful to Allah for giving my dad some
What would you do when you are upset over something? Some might say they hear their favourite music, exercise to make them forget or even eat a bar of chocolate. Well for me, I imagine. Sometimes, when I feel sad or angry or another negative feelings fill me up, I took a moment, sitting alone and ignore the surrounding. People might say I daydreaming or something but as you know, at that moment, I sketch my wonderland in front of me. Not by pencil or a pen, but just imagination. It is enough for me to bring back my happiness.  I would imagine that I’m at the airport, buying my ticket to random places and hope on that plane. By the time I arrived at my destination, I would search for 5 star hotel and live in a luxury suite. Pretending that I am that I’m one of the rich people.  Another day, I would imagine that I’m traveling with my buddies to random beach and go surfing. When the reality is, I can’t swim.  I would imagine that I’m sky-diving with my enemies on me a

Jimba Ria bersama mereka

#Sebelum baca entry ni, sila play lagu Bersama Bersatu. KENA PLAY ! Assalamualaikum :) Alkisah nya tentang kem … huhuhu “ Weh, macam mana ni weh …. alaaa taknak pergi lahh …. masa tak cukup dooo , final dah nak dekat …. kau rasa ?” Haa itulah perasaan mula-mula sebut pasal kem. Dan sampai hari kem tu pun, masih tak percaya yg aku kena pergi kem ni. Well, it’s not about kem jati diri something-like-that tapi ini kem , kem kami. Kem untuk STAMMERS. Kem untuk buat kami mendapat sebuah kejayaan.  3 Oktober - 4 oktober ; Tarikh keramat , kem ini berjalan dengan lancar. Perasaan bercampur-baur sepanjang aku berada di kem. Tak suka, sedih, sakit, gembira, gelak ketawa…. semua ada, macam-macam adaa. Yelah mana taknya tak suka, satu sebab keadaan kem tu, dengan biliknya macam kabin and satu sebab lagi bilik airnya, payah lah nak cakap (alhamdulillah masih ada air) walaupun terpaksa mandi dlm bilik air lelaki . Hahahahaha kesian mereka terpaksa tungguu kami mandi lama (s


Well hey again there . Its been so long I didn't share something here . Writing mode was off back then because I was really pack with my studies , exams and some shit-and-beauty of life . I realised that some of my friends are heading to their final of semester 1, and me , I have a month before my really-final-exam . I tell you study life is seriously tiring but it is what that can make us to be useful in the future . There is no wasted time in studies . So don’t be bored . I have a month to complete all the weakness and gather all my strength to boom my result . And I’m sure I can do it . It’s nothing if you just at the same level from where you begin until you finish the game . Try challenge yourself to the upper level . And believe in yourself . Trust in Allah . Think about your parents . Think about you , yourself . Ask yourself, what would you be another next ten years ?  I wrote this for encouraging myself because I was doomed with my trial result earlier . It’s seri